YAML Formatter

YAML Formatter and Beautifier

YAML Formatter is a browser-based YAML beautifier that can format YAML online. You can also validate, minify, edit, and view YAML data for free.

Our YAML Formatter will also validate YAML and display error messages by highlighting syntax errors with line numbers. Try formatting and validating your YAML document now with our online YAML formatter for free!

How to Use YAML Formatter Online

  1. Copy and paste your YAML data into the code editor.
  2. You may also click on the “Browse file” button to upload a YAML file.
  3. Click the “Beautify” button to format YAML instantly.
  4. The formatted YAML code will appear in the editor.
  5. Copy or download the formatted YAML data as an .yaml file.
  6. You can also minify, validate, and visualize YAML in a tree view.

What is YAML?

YAML stands for YAML Ain’t Markup Language. It is a data serialization format designed to be human-friendly and work well with modern programming languages.

What is YAML used for?

  • Storing document-oriented data in databases
  • Outputting YAML streams for web services
  • As a human-friendly configuration format
  • For transmitting less verbose data over APIs
  • Passing data between systems supporting YAML
  • Taking advantage of YAML comments and aliases

Updated on February 5, 2025