CSV Compare

CSV format settings

Compare CSV Online Tool

CSV Compare Online is a tool that helps to Compare CSV and highlight differences for free. You can upload the two CSV files to be compared separately, configure options according to your needs, and click on the compare button to find the difference between two CSV files!

CSV Compare Online is an excellent tool to compare CSV side by side and inline to find the code differences between two files. Another use of an CSV diff checker is that it highlights and merges the code instantly. Start using our CSV compare tool to find the difference between two CSV files or code online.

How to Use the CSV Compare Online Tool

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use CSV Compare:

  1. Simply copy and paste your CSV data into the code editor.
  2. You may also click on the “Browse File” button to upload the two CSV files separately.
  3. Click on the “Compare” button to compare CSV online.
  4. Now differences between two CSV data structures will appear side by side with highlights.
  5. You can also copy or download CSV diff code.

Also Compare:

XML Compare tool to easily compare XML data online for free.

JSON Compare tool to compare JSON and highlight differences.

YAML Compare online tool to visualize the differences between two YAML files.

Updated on February 5, 2025